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loyalty rewards

Earn FREE Stampin' Up! Product with Stamping BAE!

Shop with us and earn loyalty rewards. It's as simple as that. For every $50 of product ordered, you will earn one point (note: $49.95 would not qualify you for a point; your total must meet a minimum of $50.00). For example, if you order $100 in Stampin' Up! product, you'll earn two points. Earn 10 points, we'll send you a FREE stamp set!

How to Earn a FREE Stamp Set:

  1. Place your order with us online or via email.

  2. Earn a point for every $50 of product ordered (before tax and shipping). Orders cannot be combined to earn points.

  3. Track your orders and points; you are responsible for tracking your own progress. Download the Stamping BAE Reward Tracking Sheet to make sure you get your stamp set!

  4. Earn 10 points and contact us with your completed Reward Tracking Sheet. Once we confirm your purchases, we will mail you a FREE stamp set of your choice!

  5. Points expire after one year. Terms and conditions are subject to change.


  • Product shares, class supplies and fees, coupons, and any Host Rewards will not qualify as product purchased.

  • Products from the Clearance Rack are eligible for loyalty rewards.

  • Orders over $150 will qualify you for loyalty rewards AND Host Rewards!

  • Host stamps are not available as your free stamp set.


bonus rewards

In addition to the previous rewards, our customers are eligible to earn a "Golden Ticket" of FREE product and "$5 Stampin' Up! Voucher." Want to earn more rewards? Join our team! We treat our team to more rewards when they reach the "$300 club" and when it's their birthday.

Golden Ticket
stamping club
stamping birthday

start earning rewards




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The content on this website is the sole responsibility of Stamping Before Anything Else as Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrators. 
Unless otherwise indicated, Images © 1990-2024 STAMPIN’ UP!®.

©2024 by Stamping Before Anything Else, LLC.

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